Shuttlewagon Owner's Mailling Address |
Licensee (Company) Name: | |
Type of Business: | |
Authorized Licensee Contact Person: | |
Address: | |
City: | |
State: | |
Zip Code: | |
Phone Number: | |
Fax Number: | |
Email Address: | |
Primary Business Activity (i.e. flour mill, power plant, railroad, etc.): | |
Federal Information | |
Federal Tax ID Number (TIN/EIN): | |
FCC Registration Number (If available): | |
ULS Password (If available): | |
Exact physical address where the Shuttlewagon will be located and used |
Address: | |
City: | |
State: | |
Zip Code: | |
County: | |
Coordinates: | |
Radius of operation: | Within 5 miles of the address provided Outside 5 miles of the address provided |
If outside 5 mile radius, please describe intended area(s) of operation: | |
Licensee Information - Foreign Ownership/Qualifications |
Is your company Foreign Owned/Controlled? | Yes No |
If yes, please explain nature and extent of foreign controll: | |
Have you had an FCC license/permit revoked? | Yes No |
If yes, please explain: | |
Have you been convicted of a felony or other crime involving monopolization of radio communication? | Yes No |
If yes, explain: | |